
Your Truest Self

Think about the places or experiences that put your soul at ease. These places or experiences make you feel like your true self. Take note to the description of these places and what activities you are doing. I feel this feeling when I venture to my hometown in Terre Haute, IN. My childhood home is no longer there- other than family I do not have close friends there. It’s the energy that surrounds me there. It’s the simplicity of the city. I experience this same feeling when I walk around a book store with a coffee in hand. Or when I’m in route to my daily meditation. It’s the peace within that I thirst for. The energy of acceptance as I am.

When we find the places and activities that that make us feel like our truest, most authentic selves, we should do what we can to spend more time there and more often. The peace of my hometown by no means depicts that I need to uproot my family to move home. The peace is meerly pushing me to seek out the people, places and things that make me feel good or most like me!

Everyday life can has a way of clouding the activites that derive our purest self. We get busy with kids, career or home obligations. Often the loudest of the three get the most attention. Eventually your soul wins and re-aligns you to your purest self. Think of a plant that reaches for sunshine near a window- it naturally does this.

As an adult I look back at my mother. She worked the night shift at restaurants- generally in the smoking section. She worked long shifts and met a very diverse group of people. As far back as I can remember she worked in restaurants. She liked the customers in the evening shifts because they passed less judgment onto her. The ability to offer a satisfying meal to customers filled her soul. Her love for never knowing a stranger made the shifts seem shorter. While I often wondered why she continued to gravitate to the restaurant industry- I now see that it gave her energy. Even now retired- she still prepares a meal with a very diverse menu as though we are eating at a restaurant.

Feel the comfort of places that put your soul at ease and feel your true self. Rejuvenate and accept yourself with familiar experiences.